By |Published On: Jan 18, 2022|Categories: Financial Planning|

Seven years ago, I made a New Year’s resolution to learn to enjoy the benefits of yoga.  I started going to class at a very nice studio in Tribeca.   

Class was fun!! When I would go, I was clearly the best looking guy in the entire class!  The very attractive teachers were into me.  Why else would they come to my mat and touch me all of the time?  

The reality was that I was really bad at yoga.  I didn’t know when or how to breathe properly, and I didn’t know exactly how to align my body on a downward dog pose.  As a very athletic person this was incredibly challenging for me.  So I contacted the founder of the studio for some private sessions.   She was really nice about my lack of yoga skill and over time with practice and reflection, I advanced quickly and enjoyed the benefits of yoga.

It Works!

When you do yoga (or other forms of exercise) on your own, your results are alright.  However, when you work with a professional yoga instructor, your performance will improve tremendously.  You will breathe and execute the movements properly, get better results in a shorter time period, and your body will thank you.

That’s because a yoga coach is a knowledgeable accountability partner and she will improve your health and fitness in so many ways.

A Financial Planner is Like a Yoga Instructor

Having a financial planner is like having a yoga instructor.

First, you can enjoy the same healthy benefits by working with a financial planner and you will probably sweat less!  Should you buy cryptocurrencies, jump into the metaverse, or speculate on the latest meme stock?  A financial planner can enable you to make an informed decision. 

Second, there’s a lot more to financial planning than simply investing, which is the end of the financial planning process.

How might you benefit from a knowledgeable, objective third party?  What could they do to help you make better decisions?  How would a planner bring order to your financial life and a sense of calm and control?  What can a planner help you simplify?  Like a yoga instructor, a planner is an accountability partner to help you follow through on your financial planning commitments.

Finally, a financial planner is an objective third party that will give you insights from outside of your world to help you make better decisions.  Furthermore, a planner will help bring order to your financial life.  Like a yoga instructor, a planner is an accountability party to help you follow through on your financial planning commitments.

If you have a New Year’s resolution to get in shape, it’s also a great time to get in better financial shape.  If you’d like to chat, I offer a per hour financial planning fee.