By |Published On: Jul 4, 2022|Categories: Financial Planning|

Financial Goals Progress?

Hope that you had a Happy 4th of July! In between the fireworks, swimming, and the barbeque over the weekend, you probably weren’t thinking about your financial goals. In January, you likely made some financial objectives for yourself. If you forgot to write them down, they are also known as New Year’s Resolutions. Remember those? How are they coming along?

Goals and Challenges

Perhaps they were financial objectives about saving more in your 401(k), maximizing your employer benefits, or understanding and executing on the never-ending alphabet soup of equity compensation choices (ISOs, NSOs, RSUs, ESPPs).

There could be other challenge points that remain for you. Life and money are aligned and it’s not just about dollars and cents. There is a lot of emotion wrapped up in financial decisions. Perhaps you’re experiencing shame or regret. Maybe you are wishing you were in a better financial place. You probably think that you can do better. Alternatively, you could be in a situation where you ask yourself, “Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?”.

If you haven’t achieved all your financial goals so far this year, what scares you about doing this?

Lots of Change

A lot has changed since January. Markets are down, interest rates and inflation are up. If you did make some goals in the beginning of the year, maybe they’ve adapted given how much has changed in the world since then.

It could be a frightening time, and you could be experiencing anxiety.  Asking for help is the first step towards feeling better.

Many of these finance topics can be boring, but seeing them through will help you realize your goals. Perhaps these financial goals are saving for your dream home, having a loving family, or a peaceful weekend cottage where you can relax and unwind. Whatever your goals are, it’s best that you feel in control and connected to them. We can chat about your objectives during a free consultation.