By |Published On: Apr 5, 2022|Categories: Financial Planning|

If you know the right problem you can likely solve it.  If you don’t know the right problem, you might need some help finding it.

The weather is getting warmer and it will soon be time for some spring cleaning.  

Suppose your floors never seem to be clean and so you are in the market for a new vacuum cleaner.  Let’s reframe it and think about the problem.  There could be a chance that you have your problem wrong.  The ultimate goal isn’t to purchase a new vacuum cleaner.  The goal is to have clean floors.  What’s the right problem?

The Right Problem?

1. Dust Dilemma

Let’s look at the problem more broadly.  Perhaps the real cause of the problem is that the screens on your windows are not suited to keep out dust.  They could be the wrong gauge, or there could be small holes where the dust is getting in.  Replacing them with screens that keep out dust will keep your house cleaner when the windows are open.

2. Carpet Problem

Another issue could be your carpet.  It’s possible that your carpet collects dirt too easily and a new carpet that is more dust repellent will help by eliminating the need for you to vacuum so frequently.  

3. Air Filter Issue

Moreover, the air filter on your central air conditioning unit may need to be changed because it is old or is the wrong one.  A better air filter on central air conditioning is a quick and easy fix.  

4. Sharing Economy

Maybe you shouldn’t buy a vacuum cleaner but instead join a vacuum cleaner sharing group.  You can have clean floors without making a purchase while reducing your carbon footprint. 

5. Cleaning Service

Furthermore, perhaps there’s an inexpensive cleaning service with it’s own equipment that can clean your house at regular intervals.  Plus, you’ll be supporting a local business. 

Someone who can help you achieve your main goal, clean floors, in an efficient way is someone you should listen to.

Focused on Your Dilemma

When you work with me as a comprehensive financial planner, I’m not going to try and sell you a vacuum.  I’ll analyze the possibilities, the right problem(s), that may be causing your dirty floors.  

Financial planning has many associated services, that are both tangible and intangible.  For example, I provide guidance and support in creating attainable financial goals, deal with intricate family relationships, and convey how behavioral advice matters.  For instance, behavioral advice is really important especially when a client’s savings have grown nicely to sustain her through retirement, because the client followed my advice and stayed on course with the plan.  

As an unbiased accountability partner, I’ll be able to see and understand things that you won’t be able to.  With this newfound insight, I’ll help you plan and reach your financial goals and provide both tangible and intangible benefits.  

Problem finding is more important than problem solving to uncover possibilities, uncover unexpected problems, and solve them.  Feel free to set up a complimentary consultation.