By |Published On: Oct 15, 2024|Categories: Financial Planning|

After such a great response to last week’s message about safeguards, we can discuss another one – guidelines – that you can use to help put you on a better financial footing.

Before we define what they are, let’s take a step back and ask the following questions to help determine our guidelines:

  1. What are you trying to achieve?
  2. Will your actions move you closer or further away to what you want?


These questions help us build toward solid guidelines. Think of them like the lines on the side of the road that keep you on the highway so you can reach your destination. Especially at night, when it’s dark and you are driving on an unfamiliar road.

This seems pretty basic and straightforward. But sometimes you can forget about them especially in the heat of the moment. Or if you are tired when you are driving, the tire veers onto the line. Be careful and stay attentive!

In a more concrete sense, not in an automotive and abstract one like the lines on the road, guidelines can come in the form of a checklist.

For example, an architect has a very detailed checklist for creating a building. A professional athlete – pick your favorite sport – has a schedule to win the match, game, or medal. And a pilot has a preflight log to go through before takeoff.

Financial Checklists

You may be wondering about some types of financial checklists. Here are a few examples that may apply to you:

What are you trying to achieve?

  1. Is it financial freedom?
  2. A home?
  3. Perhaps a nice retirement?

Are your actions today moving you closer to your financial needs?
For instance, if you want to move towards financial freedom – what does that really mean and look like? Getting specific on what it is you need/want will help you frame the appropriate checklist with the guidelines to keep you on track.

What questions do you have about your guidelines?