By |Published On: Jan 3, 2023|Categories: Financial Planning|

Happy New Year! Hope that 2023 is off to a great start so far.

What kind of New Year’s Resolutions do you have this year? How did your New Year’s Resolutions progress in 2022? What about when you tried them in previous years?

New Year’s Resolutions and Change are Hard

If your resolutions didn’t work when you tried them in years past, you are not alone. Sadly, New Year’s resolutions typically don’t work.


Because it is hard to change. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you. Change takes a lot of effort, but you can do it. Making changes and achieving goals in your life is not impossible. The trick is to get them to stick.

How can you make changes stick?

Proper Instruction is Beneficial

When you undertake new challenges or tasks, it’s best to work with someone who can help you with support, understanding, and guidance. For example, when you learned how to play a musical instrument, you most likely had a music teacher that gave you instruction, lessons, and constant feedback. If you played sports or learned to speak another language, you used the same principles and techniques.

While you used this framework many times in your life, what’s stopping you from using it to have a better financial life?

Prosperous Results

After last year’s drubbing in the market and more people using the dreaded R word – recession – you are probably anxious and confused. Given this state of mind, how equipped are you to make financial changes in your life? Have you ever thought about working with a partner to help you with your finances?

Finance is complicated. Laws change all the time. For example, Congress just passed Secure Act 2.0 and there are changes to many financial items including Roth accounts, RMDs, and 529 Plans. These changes will have an impact on you and your financial life today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Instead of trying to go it on your own, you should work on your finances with an expert. Get personal attention so you can live your dreams. Work with a committed partner who guides you to achieve your goals.

The flip of the calendar every year encourages change, so why not do it the right way this time?

Feel free to set up a free consultation.