By |Published On: Dec 25, 2023|Categories: Financial Planning, RSUs|

Here’s the best of 2023 – the articles that were the most widely read. It’s hard to believe that the year is ending. Where does the time go?

A look back to the most popular posts of 2023 vary quite a bit in terms of topic because finances are diverse, complex, and cover many areas.

They are all very important when it comes to your money.

The Best of 2023

The “Tech Employees Three Big RSU Mistakes” detailed the saga of Jaime. He did not have a preset plan for his RSUs, and painfully lost $750,000!

This is How You Get Rich” is a wonderful story about Uncle Fred, master Cadillac mechanic, and how he amassed a fortune.

A Financial System for Life” details Derek’s experience of using processes and procedures, instead of goals to meet his financial needs.

So Many Lessons from the Top Three Posts

These three individuals illustrate many aspects of finance – both bad and good. You can learn a lot from them and their experiences.

Having an RSU Plan

Losing $750,000 is a lot of money. To put it into context – it could be a home, the best debt-free education available for your children, or anything else that blows your hair back. Taking out some of the emotion and adding a bit of rationality would have been a better outcome for Jaime. Instead he’s left with a gut-wrenching story and a cautionary tale.

The Strength of Saving

Uncle Fred showed us the power of saving money! One day he was eating “lunch” – a six pack of peanut butter cracker sandwiches and a cup of coffee. He exclaimed that it only cost him 50 cents! By following a simple strategy, he amassed a fortune that most tech founders would envy.

The Benefits of a System

Derek revealed the advantages of using a system, instead of goals. He played collegiate soccer and every team had the same goal – to win the national championship. If the one successful team and all of the unsuccessful teams have the same goal, it cannot be distinguished. He and his teammates worked on a system to improve their play – video analysis, weightlifting, and team building – and won the national championship! We took the same approach to his finances.

What’s your financial story? I would love to hear it!