By |Published On: Feb 14, 2022|Categories: Financial Planning|


I received a lot of questions from last week’s post.  The most popular question was, “What is a fiduciary?” I think the readers are really asking “What does a fiduciary mean for me?”

Mr. Webster tells us the following:  “relating to or involving trust, such as the trust between a customer and a professional.”  It comes from Latin fīdere, which means “to trust.” In case you are wondering, it is pronounced “fə-ˈdü-shē-ˌer-ē.”

To be specific, as a fiduciary financial planner I must do for you:

1.  Put Your Interest First

As a fiduciary, that means that your interests are ahead of the firm’s interest, and my own interest at all times.

2.  Avoid Conflicts of Interest

I seek to eliminate conflicts of interest and fully disclose any conflicts of interest to you and properly manage them.

3.  Duty of Care and Impartial Advice

I act with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence that coincide with your goals, risk tolerance, objectives, and financial and personal circumstances.

4.  Impartial Advice

I act with honesty, integrity, competence, and diligence.  I exercise due care and good judgment in all client matters as a fiduciary.

5. Follow Client Instructions

I comply with all objectives, policies, restrictions, and other terms of the client engagement and all reasonable and lawful directions of the client.

What would you do if you went to a doctor who worked for Pfizer and wrote a prescription for a Pfizer drug?  You would get a second opinion, wouldn’t you?  So why do you buy funds from your broker’s company?  Your broker isn’t a bad person.  They work in a bad system.  You deserve someone who has no other incentive besides to pick what they believe to be the best investment for you.  I am a fiduciary 100% of the time and always act in the clients’ best interests.

If you’d like to chat, you can set up a free consultation.