By |Published On: Feb 28, 2022|Categories: Financial Planning|

“When I have enough money I’ll become a client.”

That’s an unsolicited statement I hear from a lot of friends, friends of friends, and acquaintances.  It tells me that these people are on defense because, let’s face it, Americans are tired – very tired – of the endless bombardment of pitches to buy some financial product or service they probably don’t need.  

It always strikes me as peculiar for many reasons so I thought about it a little bit more. 

Here are the peculiar money reasons. 

1. Preconceived notions

In people’s minds, perhaps there is a preconceived notion of what someone needs to look like, job they need to have, status attained, or a certain amount of money accumulated in order to have a financial planner?  The idea that you need $X dollars to justify having a financial planner is a HUGE problem in my industry.  Too many in my field will only work with clients who have a certain amount (i.e. a lot) of assets.  I have no minimum for clients.

2. Working backwards

Let’s look at it the other way around and work backwards.  If you want financial security, or a certain amount of money, why not start today by making informed financial decisions?  Things like how much you need to save and into what type of account, tax minimization, and the ideal asset allocation for you. I can help you make these decisions.

3. No money minimums

Everyone deserves good financial advice. Therefore, I have NO minimum amount for you to become a client.  The proverbial “enough” money does not apply here.

4. Fees

If you prefer, I can help you with your money via my hourly financial planning fee. We can talk as often as you like, so you can meet your financial goals. With this help, perhaps you can meet the image of the typecast person who has a financial planner?

A few smart decisions made early can result in hundreds of thousands of extra dollars later.  Take hold of your financial future and chat with me today!