By |Published On: Sep 18, 2023|Categories: Financial Planning|

Wow! This is the 100th post for the Fortrove blog. Thank you for reading all of the insights about money concerns and how they relate to your life.

A special thank you to all of my clients, friends, and family for all of the support with a financial planning career.

Reflections on the Milestone and Career

As I reflect on this important milestone, here’s what I’m thinking about.

The joy of helping my clients, who I think of as partners, is the reason why I do what I do. Providing ease, peace of mind, and solutions for partners are a few of the qualities that come to mind.

There’s a tremendous amount of satisfaction to see the relief on a client’s face after I’ve helped them with a tough decision(s) concerning their financial situation.

It makes me incredibly happy to dispense the knowledge that I’ve accumulated over the years of professional financial experience. In fact, I’m smiling in a big way along with a warm and fuzzy feeling in my belly as I write this.

The Benefits to Clients

Most important, though, is that my clients have enjoyed so many benefits.

We all have a lot of complex, often unexplored feelings when it comes to money. Worry, stress, FOMO, uncertainty, and confusion – to name a few. When a client makes a financial decision they are comfortable with, I can see the looks of alleviation and calmness.

  1. The pressure eases from their stomach and they feel like they can breathe again
  2. Relief from a burden, and they feel confident in their decision
  3. They feel proud of what they are doing and how they are moving forward with their lives


Helping you stress less and live a better life makes me feel lucky that I get to spend my time working in a financial planning career. There’s no better feeling than helping someone. It makes me feel incredibly happy!

What’s Next

As I look forward to sharing the next 100 tips and strategies, YOUR input is invaluable. What would you like to read about in the next blog post or the next 100 blog posts? I am a “request band” and the pleasure would be all mine to write about something that you love, you want to hear about, or you have an interest.