By |Published On: Jan 9, 2023|Categories: Financial Planning|

Changing habits is challenging and the odds are against you. But you can do it! I believe in you.

Once you make the change and it becomes a habit, you will thank yourself for it. How many good habits have you wished you started later?

How Does It Work?

To change your outcomes, you must change your habits. They operate in a loop. There is a prompt, followed by an action that results in a reward. The reward can be positive or negative, depending on your viewpoint. Hence the terms, “good” and “bad” habits.

Moreover, habits vary quite a bit. They can be vigorous but delicate. Some can be deliberate or reside in your unconscious mind.

Let’s illustrate with an example. How often do you check your email? When your phone vibrates with a new message, the brain craves the momentary distraction of checking email. The prompt is the vibration, and the action is checking your messages. The reward is reading a wonderful article about habits and change.

How to Change

Unfortunately, a habit cannot be eliminated. It must be replaced. We keep the same prompt and the same reward, and insert a new action. Most importantly, there is another ingredient that is necessary – belief. Belief that you can do it.

For example, if you think that you check your email too often and you believe that you must change this habit, here is what you can do. The prompt, the phone’s vibration, and the reward, reading great articles that arrive in your inbox, are the same.

The new action could be checking your email less frequently. You can set up a technique not to check your email during the first 60 minutes of the day or stop checking 30 minutes before you go to sleep. You can enable an app on your phone to help you with this.

Financial Habits

What financial habits do you have? Do you think they are positive or negative? Some financial habits that are great for your financial health include paying yourself first, not checking your accounts too often, and maintaining a long-term perspective. 

If you think that you need help changing your habits about email, finances, or anything else, you can set up a free consultation

Sometimes you can’t make it on your own. That’s ok. I can help.