By |Published On: Jul 31, 2023|Categories: Financial Planning|

Financial Path is Not Linear

Chances are that your financial path was up and to the right for a very long time because market performance was so robust! However, the past few years have been challenging and your path may look a little bit different now.

This is stressful and can cause you a lot of worry, especially when things aren’t how they used to be.

How to Cope

You might be able to get back on your financial path through time, effort, and discipline. It’s especially difficult given the state of markets, job loss, and the worry of the economy sliding into a recession.

But you may want help. It is good working with a coach, especially when it comes to something important like your financial roadmap.

Think about when you learned to play your favorite sport, favorite game, or canasta. You probably had someone show you what to do – an elder sibling, your Mom, or a coach. And you enjoyed the learning and the fun associated with your task.

This person helped you be your best and achieve your goal in a caring way that you were comfortable with. Looking back, you definitely remember the positive influence this coach had on you. You probably see the wonderful images in your mind and you smile. Great memories that last a lifetime!

The Endgame

The endgame is worth it, and I will work with you on your financial path. I am your financial life “Easy Button.”

This concept applies to more than your finances. For example, skipping a workout and devouring a pizza feels good at the time because of the temporary pleasure, but the next day and week you’ll probably regret it.

If you need help with your finances, fitness, or dietary intake, I’m here to help. Obligations get blurred and fuzzy but don’t give up, don’t ever give up.