By |Published On: Oct 17, 2022|Categories: Financial Planning, ISOs, NSOs, RSUs|

Not in a romantic sense, but in a financial sense. In emotional matters that touch you deeply like love and money, your feelings are incredibly strong and are only shared with a special handful of people. Financial matters are even more private, and usually more guarded than amour. Let’s be honest, it’s likely that you have been romantically intimate with more people than you have been financially intimate.

How many people really know all of the details of your financial picture? Probably not too many. Items like your 401(k) balance, salary, and how your portfolio is invested are very personal matters.

Intimate Personal Details

So why would you share these details? To live a better life! When sharing this information with an experienced financial planning professional, the result is a solid plan for financial success, living debt-free, and paying only what you owe in taxes, nothing more. A strategy for financial success will help relieve your anxieties around money.

So how do you start and nurture a long-term relationship with a financial planner? It’s just like falling in love. Go on a few dates (chats with planners), have really good conversations (about your finances), and participate in eye-opening experiences together (with your financial partner). You will get to know, trust, and form a deep relationship (while working with a financial partner). You probably won’t fall in love with me, but you will fall in love with our relationship and the services that I provide.

Client Happiness

For example, last week I helped a new client, Ally, understand the wealth-generating power of her ISOs and NSOs, and the tax implications for RSUs. Furthermore, I assisted her in locating an old student loan she forgot about because she hasn’t had to repay it for the past 2+ years. She is in a much better financial position and she told me that she wishes that we could have met years ago. (Where have you been all my life?!)

Hiring a financial planner will give you a lot more free time. You can spend this time being intimate with your romantic partner instead of dealing with confusing financial matters that make your eyes glaze over.

Would you like to get intimate with me?