By |Published On: Sep 19, 2022|Categories: Financial Planning|

More Money…

“I’ll just make more money” is something I hear often from friends, family, and some clients.  It is always unsolicited.  I’ve had some conversations, did some thinking, and here’s what I found out about this mindset.

This phrase is a synonym for a strong desire for people to grow their wealth.  This is very important and I support everyone in this endeavor!  Over time as your career progresses and you gain more experience, you will make more money.  Instead of relying solely on increasing your salary, what if you took some other ideas into consideration that would enhance your wealth building potential?

Different Perspectives

First, let’s look at it from the other side. What if you replaced the word “make” with some other words such as, “save,” “invest,” or “spend x% of income?”

“I’ll just save more money.”

“Maybe I’ll just invest more money.”

“I’ll just spend 80% of my income.” Does that make saving 20% of your income sound easier?

How do these examples feel? If they are a little uncomfortable or unfamiliar, that’s due to the fact that you’re not used to hearing them. It’s okay if you feel uneasy stating these new ideas. New and unfamiliar concepts often stir up these kinds of feelings.

For instance, you probably get an upset stomach when you think of a budget. “Budget” is an evil word to some people, and we won’t be using it today. It feels like you do not pass go and you do not collect $200. However, behaviors like saving and investing lead to more money.

Coffee Talk

Personal finance is stressful. It lies at the intersection of immediate desire, long term wishes, and a lot of emotion. If you want to get a solid grip on your spending habits, you need to be confident in hiring the right partner to help you do so. The problem is a lack of financial know-how which makes you feel anxious and discouraged.

Talking about these new ideas is like friends chatting business over a coffee.

After this conversation, if you incorporate some of the ideas into your life, you will increase your chances of building your wealth and remove the pressure of earning more money through longer hours, more conference calls, and emails at all hours of the day and night.

If you’d like to chat over coffee, digitally or in person, feel free to set up a chat.