By |Published On: Jun 12, 2023|Categories: Financial Planning|

What do you do for your vacation planning when traveling to a faraway place on a wonderful holiday? Before going, what did you do to make sure that your travel plans were on point so that you could really enjoy the experience?

How Do Your Plan Your Trip?

Lots of internet searching? Talking to friends who visited this distant destination? Was your trip as relaxing and stress-free as you hoped? Do you enjoy vacation planning?

Wonderful Vacation Through Turkey

I am very fortunate to have just returned from an awesome trip through Turkey. There’s a lot of culture, custom and history in this beautiful country that I am unfamiliar with. Additionally, I don’t speak the language, so I hired a guide. Çağrı (“Char-ee”) showed us around and enhanced our vacation experience. He was wonderful!

He uncovered a lot of places, tidbits, and wonders of history that we could have never figured out on our own. There was no stress or worry, and our trip was enriching and very relaxing.

One day for lunch, Çağrı took us to the “Fish Restaurant” in Cappadocia and it was a fantastic meal. We would have never found this place and would not have a great lifelong memory.

Then, after touring the Tomb of Mausolus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Çağrı took us right around the corner to a juice store. The fresh- squeezed orange juice and pomegranate juice are top notch. The store is run by Emir, an 81 year-old retired school teacher and he was so thrilled that we loved his juice.

To top it all off, Çağrı suggested the #1 hot air balloon company in Cappadocia. We were lucky because this company has preferred status and was able to take off from a handpicked location and traveled a route along the most breathtaking rock formations.

Vacation Planning on Own

Alternatively, I could have spent many hours vacation planning. Searching where to go, what to do, where to eat, learning the basics of the language, such as, “hello,” “thank you,” and “good morning” are time consuming.

Along the way, I would have gotten lost, and probably would have picked up a few traffic violations. It would have been a stressful vacation, and I would have spent a lot of valuable time trying to figure it out. Plus, I would have missed out on the great culinary and nectar locations, and a wonderful hot air balloon ride.

Doing it on Your Own

The same goes for you and your financial picture. Do you want to go it on your own and spend a lot of your valuable time trying to figure it out? Increase the likelihood of having an unsatisfactory experience? Just do what your friends are doing? Escalate your stress level?

Or would you rather hire a professional guide and let them do it for you? You can kick back and relax, enjoy your life, reduce your stress, and have the cash that you need.

If you would like to chat about trip planning, the wonder of Turkey, or how I can be your guide, please feel free to set up a complimentary consultation.