Sell Company Shares…
The very interesting world of owning...and selling company shares
Make Your Life Better
Improve your life with a roster of helpers.
Should I Hire a Financial Planner?
This is the million dollar, or multimillion dollar, question.
Evaluating a Job Offer
In the last part of our series, here are some other things to think about.
Equity Upon Leaving
In the third part of our series, we go deep on the different types of equity.
New Approaches
What you can learn from two Swedes who turned beach volleyball upside down.
What’s Your Gold Medal?
Questions to ask yourself about your approach to life?
Tech Environment
In the second part of our series, we will delve into the tech environment.
Changing Jobs in Tech
When you are evaluating a new job offer, here are some items to think through.
Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) Explained
How you can save tax dollars on your company stock!